
Knee Replacements - Walk the SAME DAY as Surgery

May 08, 2023

Knee Replacement

Garden State Pain and Orthopedics offers joint replacements that have patients walking the same day as surgery. Here are the signs you will benefit from knee replacement surgery.

Knee replacement surgery, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure in which a damaged or diseased knee joint is replaced with an artificial joint made of metal, plastic, or a combination of both. The goal of the surgery is to relieve pain and restore normal function to the knee joint.

During the procedure, the surgeon removes the damaged surfaces of the knee joint, including the cartilage and bone, and replaces them with the artificial joint components. The artificial joint is designed to mimic the natural movement of the knee joint, allowing for improved range of motion and stability.

Knee replacement surgery is typically recommended for patients with severe arthritis or other conditions that cause chronic knee pain and limited mobility. The surgery can significantly improve quality of life for these patients, allowing them to return to normal activities with less pain and greater mobility. 

Sign you’ll benefit from a knee replacement 

There are several signs that may indicate that you need knee replacement surgery. These can include:

  • Persistent knee pain: If you have persistent knee pain that doesn't respond to other treatments, such as medication, injections, or physical therapy, this could be a sign that your knee joint is severely damaged and may require replacement surgery.
  • Limited mobility: If you find that your knee pain is limiting your ability to perform daily activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, or getting up from a chair, this could be another sign that you need a knee replacement.
  • Stiffness and swelling: If your knee joint feels stiff and swollen, and you have difficulty moving it through its full range of motion, this could be a sign that the joint is severely damaged and may require surgery.
  • Reduced quality of life: If your knee pain is significantly affecting your quality of life, and you are unable to enjoy activities that you once did, knee arthoplasy may be the solution.

If you are experiencing any of these signs, it is important to talk to your doctor, who can evaluate your condition and help you determine if knee replacement surgery is the right treatment option for you. At Garden State Pain & Orthopedics our Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Deepan Patel, specializes in knee, hip, and shoulder replacement surgeries. He focuses on provided excellent beside care to help guide patients through the replacement process. To read more about Dr. Patel visit our providers page, or select “Book Now” to schedule an initial consultation.

How long is the recovery for knee replacement surgery?

The recovery time for knee replacement surgery can vary depending on a number of factors, including the patient's overall health, age, and the extent of the surgery. However, most patients can expect to spend several weeks to several months in recovery.

Typically during the first few days after surgery patients will typically stay in the hospital to receive pain medication and begin physical therapy. However at Garden State Pain and Orthopedics, our patients are out of bed and walking the same day as surgery. Patients are out of our surgical center and back home by dinner. Patients are encouraged to start moving their knees as soon as possible, and will begin therapy with the help of a physical therapist. Physical therapy is extremely important to improve strength and range of motion, and help relieve the pain following surgery.

Most patients are able to return to light activities, such as walking and driving, within a few weeks of surgery. However, it can take several months to fully recover and return to more strenuous activities, such as sports or heavy lifting.

Overall, the recovery time for knee replacement surgery can be significant, but most patients are able to regain mobility and enjoy a better quality of life after the procedure. It is important for patients to follow their doctor's instructions and stay committed to their rehabilitation plan in order to achieve the best possible outcome.